- Apple’s quarter results visualized. La courbe iPod est fascinante. On peut aussi comparer la courbe Mac à celles des iPad et iPhones... et constater que le mobile écrase l'ordinateur personnel...
- Un pack pour soutenir les libertés, une façon amusante de communiquer sur le besoin de donner à des associations comme April, La Quadrature du Net et Framasoft. Je vous encourage à donner !
- Défendons un partage non-marchand des oeuvres !, une tribune de Philippe Aigrain ;
- Over 3 years later, 'deleted' Facebook photos are still online ;
- Pub en ligne : souriez... vous êtes ciblés !. "Ne paniquez pas, ces informations sont anonymes, explique Alain Lévy, le cofondateur de Weborama. Nous ne connaissons pas votre identité.". Pourtant, j'ai été obligé de donner mon vrai nom quand je me suis inscrit chez FaceBook et Google Mail, non ? Donc ces derniers connaissent mon identité, comme la majorité des sites où je suis inscrit. Par contre, il est en effet probable que Weborama ne connaisse pas mon identité...
- La Pologne gèle la ratification de l'accord Acta. Notons que ça ne signifie pas qu'ACTA ne sera pas ratifiée en Europe...
- Czech government suspends process of ratification of ACTA - PM ;
- Romanian Prime Minister Admits He Has No Idea Why Romania Signed ACTA ;
- A Firefox extensions that grabs content off the web into your eBook reader ;
- Lenovo condamné, la vente liée peut être une pratique commerciale déloyale ;
- Tantek Celik about the importance of Web Standards ;
- W3C CSS Meetup - ParisMercredi 8 février 2012 - 19h ;
- La grande discorde du passage à l’ACTA ;
- Une très bonne vidéo contre SOPA & PIPA : What SOPA and PIPA are at face value and what they could end up enabling. Il nous faudrait la même sur ACTA !
- What happened between Firefox 7 and Firefox 10 ;
- Acta: Europe braced for protests over anti-piracy treaty ;
- Contre-arguments contre ACTA ;
- Comment arrêter ACTA : le HOWTO ;
- Carte des manifestations contre ACTA ;
- Rien à voir avec l'informatique ou la politique, une très vieille lettre d'un esclave émancipé à son ancien maitre qui veut le voir revenir : To My Old Master.
- ID provider support now live on BrowserID ;
- Internet Explorer bientôt sous la barre des 40 % en Europe ;
- Brochette d'articles sur les Anonymous chez Ecrans.fr :
Mot-clé - europe
mardi 7 février 2012
En vrac au retour du FOSDEM
mardi 7 février 2012. En vrac
mercredi 5 octobre 2011
More details on the upcoming MozCamp Europe in Berlin
mercredi 5 octobre 2011. en
Do you remember my call to save the date back mid-August? So now William is calling for papers for the MozCamp EU and gives us more details.
- Dates: no changes. Still scheduled for November 12th and 13th, 2011.
- Overarching theme: "Many Voices, One Mozilla"
- The MozCamp will take place at Kalkscheune, in Berlin
- More details can be found on the EU MozCamp 2011 Wiki page, including:
- There will be 3 tracks during this event:
- Product & Technology Track
- Skills Development and Community Growth Track
- Engagement/Regionalization Track
- The Format for talks has also evolved.
If you are an engaged Mozillian, I hope you're considering attending! William will be sending the invitations this week. I'm really looking forward this event. Like I wrote earlier, Mozilla is changing. The MozCamp in Berlin will be an important moment for us as a community to discuss how we're approaching this, and what will be our respective role in the future. I hope to see you there!
jeudi 6 janvier 2011
Firefox leading in Europe
jeudi 6 janvier 2011. en
A recent report by StatCounter says that Firefox is now the leading browser in Europe. As always, market numbers are to be taken with a grain of salt, but it's hard to imagine a better way to start 2011, considering how small Mozilla is compared to its main competitors (Microsoft, Google and Apple). This is the result of the commitment of the Mozilla community and teams over the past decade. Very frankly, if someone told me that a non-profit organization would beat Microsoft at its own game just 5 or 6 years ago, I would have told him to quit smoking funny cigarettes ;-).
It's time to rejoice and have a drink, (after all, the Paris office is in France, so we're always ready to party and have a drink!), but let's not forget a couple of things[1]...
- We're now in a market that is more competitive than ever, where 3 players are likely to dominate the others (Firefox being one of them):
- Chrome is gaining market share and shipping new versions very quickly, along with a very aggressive marketing campaign
- Microsoft is back at work and IE9 is a very serious competitor, especially as it's bundled with Windows (as always).
- Mobile is the new frontier, and Mozilla has a card to play here, especially on Android.
In order to succeed on the desktop and the mobile spaces, there is a very simple thing to do: ship a killer version of Firefox 4 soon!
So let's enjoy the fact that we're succeeding more in Europe than we hoped for initially, but let's quickly return back to work and invest all of our energy in making an amazing Firefox 4 both on the desktop and on mobile. This is key for our future!
More reading
- The best analysis in my opinion is provided by Glyn Moody on Computerworld UK: 2011: The Year of Firefox - or of Chrome? ;
- The StatCounter press release: Firefox overtakes Internet Explorer in Europe in browser wars ;
- The StatCounter data;
- New York Times: Firefox Leads in Europe ;
- Bloomberg: Microsoft Browser Dethroned in Europe by Mozilla Firefox, StatCounter Says ;
- Reuters: Firefox takes top browser spot in Europe: StatCounter ;
- ITpro.co.uk:New statistics show Firefox has beat Internet Explorer to the European top spot in December..
[1] And I'm not even mentioning the fact that there are various sources of market share data, and not all of them give the same results.
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