Following a very nice meeting with Rory Cellan-Jones, a video demo of Firefox 3 was published by the BBC (Jane already blogged about it). I happened to use my own history data during the demo, and used Fake Steve Jobs as an example, because I love this blog. It looks like Fake Steve has heard about it and blogged: President of Mozilla Europe gives a shout-out to Fake Steve.
Tristan Nitot demonstrates some of the new features of the Firefox browser, including an "awesome bar" which provides the ability to find Fake Steve Jobs more easily. Much love, Tristan. It pains me to say this, but your browser truly rocks.
I happen to use a Mac and an iPhone, so I know what you mean ;-). Namasté, Fake Steve! Oh, as a gift, here is a picture that you could use for meditation purposes It was of course edited in iPhoto!