Our new CEO, Gary Kovacs, was on a trip in Europe last week to meet with employees (in Toronto, London, Paris and Munich) and communities (in Paris, Munich and Ljubljana). I traveled with him, Chris Beard (VP of engagement) and Mary Colvig (Head of contributor engagement). I took quite a few pictures that I posted on Flickr.

Group photo during dinner in Ljubljana

The initial plan was to have a community dinner in Paris with Gary, but the weather decided otherwise (pro tip: Eurostar seems to be less reliable than airplanes when snowing), so we had to party without Gary and Chris. As you can see with the Paris pictures, we had tons of fun!

The next day, we had breakfast with Gary at the Paris office, then we headed to Munich (Germany) to meet with members of the Open Source community during one of the famous Open Source Treffen organized by Tomcat.

The next day took us to Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia, where William and amazing volunteers (including Milos Dinic, Brian King and Matjaž Horvat organized the Mozilla Balkans Community Meetup, where 9 communities from the Balkans were represented.

Our visit was a surprise to the community members, and the dinner was a lot of fun!


Here are the links to the pictures I took on this trip: