Earlier this week, Firefox turned 5 years old. The press coverage here in Europe has been amazing. We were lucky enough to have John Lilly with us on this day, so we organized a party with 700 people in Paris.
5 years of Firefox cake. Other pictures from Richard Ying. Picture used under CC-BY-NC-SA license.
A couple of my colleagues have blogged about this, so I'll just link to them instead of repeating what they've wrote:
- Mike Shaver : five by five, in the pipe ;
- Mitchell Baker : Firefox Turns 5 ;
- Ken Da Numerator Kovash : Firefox Hits 25% Market Share on its Birthday ;
- Chris Blizzard : 5 years of Firefox ;
- Marco Zehe : Happy birthday, Firefox! ;
- Official blog : Celebrating Five Years of Firefox! ;
- About:Mozilla : Five years of Firefox, 25% market share, and more… ;
A few people have taken pictures. Here they are:
- Jean Jacques Peters (hosted on my Flickr account)
- Richard Ying : 5 ans de Firefox : longue vie au panda roux ;
- Ludovic Hirlimann
2 réactions
1 De Pandark - 15/11/2009, 04:07
It was a nice party.
There was a lot of food, drink and interesting people to talk with.
I've been lucky enough to taste the cake and get a special t-shirt
Thank you and John Lilly for the speech, Paul Rouget for the demos and the whole team for their happiness (and Jean-Paul Huchon for the nice place where it all happened).
2 De Philippe - 15/11/2009, 11:16
Bien entouré ...